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  • Geo2View - Free Seismic Viewer


You've never found a simple software package to quickly display seismic data?

Neither have we.
For years, we've been searching for the right software, without success.

This is why we decided to develop our own 2D seismic viewer and we are happy to make it available to you free of charge!

Although still under development, Geo2View already contains essential features such as filters, spectra, display customization, etc.! The tools included in the current version have been created to enable rapid visualization of seismic shot points and analysis of 2D sections. Other modules will be added in the near future.

Frequency Filters
Data and Headers display
Spectrum Analysis


Our software is constantly evolving! Check back regularly to see what's in store! For the moment, version 1.75 includes the following features:

Works with industry standards : SEGY, SU and SEG2 Customizable display Headers export and plot Frequency spectra and Bandpass filters Trace resampling, sorting, and selective stack Free and easy to use, For all geoscience audiences

Download Geo2View V1.85

.exe for windows, updated 15.05.24

PDF Manual

Manual for Geo2View V1.85

You found a bug ?

We welcome your feedback, suggestions and bug reports, which will help us improve the software for everyone. Please do not hesitate to contact us at !